Page History
- We aim to keep planned disruptive updates (meaning the services may potentially be inaccessible) to Tuesday Wednesday morning (0800 - 1200 CET).
- Exceptional and non-disruptive updates may happen outside of this period.
Access and Accounting
Clariden can be reached via
from the frontend Ela ( `ssh <username>`
). The access to CSCS services and systems requires users to authenticate using multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Please, find more information here.Access to Clariden is managed through Waldur ( For SwissAI, your access to Clariden is managed by your respective vertical/horizontal project administrators and project managers (typically your PI).
Connecting to Clariden
- Clariden uses the Slurm workload manager to manage the job scheduling.
Some typical/helpful slurm commands are
submit a batch script squeue
check the status of jobs on the system scancel
delete one of your jobs from the queue srun launch commands in an existing allocation srun --interactive --jobid <jobid> --pty bash
start interactive session on an allocated node Example of Slurm job script
Code Block language bash #!/bin/bash -l #SBATCH --job-name=<jobname> #SBATCH --time=00:15:00 #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-core=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16 #SBATCH --account=a-a** srun executable
- You must specify the account attached to the project you are in. You can do this either in the submission script as above, or on the command line, for example:
sbatch -A a-a11
- Your project account can be identified through Waldur. Simply go to → Resources → HPC → find the vertical/horizontal you are in, and click on it to see more detailed information.
- Please note that the Slurm scheduling system is a shared resource that can handle a limited amount of batch jobs and interactive commands simultaneously. Therefore users are not supposed to submit arbitrary amounts of Slurm jobs and commands at the same time.
Your first port-of-call for asking for support should be to check for related topics in the #cscs-users channel in the SwissAI slack space ( We additionally provide a more general slack space ( where CSCS engineers are also present. We note that while support may be offered in this slack space, it is not an official support channel, however CSCS engineers are usually very helpful in this space. If you can't resolve your issue through the above means, the best and recommended way to get support is through by creating a ticket via on our helpdesk ( We endeavor to respond to your tickets within ~3H.