The available storage options in Clariden are Capstor and Iopsstor. 


  • Relevant paths:
    • home: /users/$USER
  • your home directory (/users/$USER) has a 50 GBs of storage space. It's intended for small scripts, personal configuration files and small software packages, but nothing else. 


  • Relevant paths:
    • scratch: /capstor/scratch/cscs/$USER
    • project:  /capstor/store/cscs/swissai/<project>
  • Capstor as a fileserver has 91PB of storage.
  • Default per-user quotas on /capstor/scratch/cscs/$USER are 150TB of storage and 1M inodes.
    • Every file on the filesystem has an attached inode. Please try to limit the number of inodes that you generate.
  • project folders have project-specific quotas. If you need additional space here, please ask your PIs to contact your service managers (Fawzi or Nicholas).
    • Hard limits in project path will prevent users from writing to project if either the inode or storage quotas are reached.
  • It is not recommended to write directly to the project path from a compute node during a job.
  • it is not recommended to use capstor as a scratch space for compute jobs - please use Iopsstor instead.
  • 30 day after last access cleanup policy - effective from Monday 24th of March 2025.


  • Relevant paths:
    • scratch: /iopsstor/scratch/cscs/$USER
    • project: /iopsstor/store/cscs/swissai/<project>
      • 1TB allocated per SwissAI project.
  • Iopsstor as a fileserver has 3PB of storage.
    • shared across all users.
  • Iopsstor is intended as a scratch space for compute jobs.
  • Active 30 day after last access cleanup policy. Enforced since 10th February 2025.
  • Iopsstor is not intended as permanent storage.
    • please ensure you clean up any temporary files at the end of your run, and transfer files back to your own storage space on Capstor.