We currently offer two ways to upload/download data from/to CSCS:

Globus Online Endpoint (recommended)

The recommended way to transfer data externally occurs via the CSCS globus-online endpoint (www.globus.org). Please follow the official get started documentation to login (in case you don't have an organisation account, you can just use the option "Sign in with Google"):

Step 2 and 3

Step 4

For more information about Globus Connect Personal, please read the official Frequently Asked Questions.

Currently globus provide the following mount points:

/store					    	# old Daint store area
/project					  	# old Daint project area
/users					    	# old Daint home directory
/scratch/shared			    	# old Scratch-Shared area ( old meteoswiss clusters )
/iopsstor/scratch/cscs		  	# Mounted on Clariden
/capstor/scratch/cscs		  	# New Alps Daint scratch area
/capstor/store/cscs		      	# New Alps Daint store area
/capstor/users/cscs		    	# Home directory for Bristen/Scopi/Errigal
/vast/users/cscs			 	# New Alps vclustewrs home directory  ( Alps Daint and others )

If none of the above solves your issue, please contact us with a request for support.