
A common observation is that your software has many dependencies that are more or less static, i.e. they can change but do so very rarely. A common pattern one can observe to work around rebuilding base images unnecessarily is a multi-stage CI setup

  1. Build (rarely but manually) a base container with all static dependencies and push it to a public container registry
  2. Use the base container and build the software container
  3. Test the newly created software container
  4. Deploy the software container

This works fine but has the drawback that one has to do a manual step whenever the dependencies change, e.g. when one wants to upgrade to new versions of the dependencies. Another drawback of this is that it allows to keep the recipe of the base container outside of the repository, which makes it harder to reproduce results, especially when colleagues want to reproduce a build.


A common solution to this problem is that you have a multi stage setup. Your repository should have (at least) two Dockerfiles, let us call them Dockerfile.base and Dockerfile.

  • Dockerfile.base: This dockerfile contains the recipe to build your base-container, it normally derives FROM a very basic container, e.g. or finkandreas/spack:0.19.2-ubuntu22.04. Let us call the container image that is built using this recipe BASE_IMG.
  • Dockerfile: This Dockerfile contains the recipe to build your software-container. It must start with FROM BASE_IMG.

The .container-builder-cscs-* blocks can be used to solve this problem. The runner supports the variable CSCS_REBUILD_POLICY, which by default is set to if-not-exists.

This means that the runner will check the remote registry if the container image specified in PERSIST_IMAGE_NAME exists. A new container image is built only if it does not exist yet. Note: In case you have one build job, PERSIST_IMAGE_NAME can be specified in the variables: field of this build job or as a global variable, like in the Hello World example. In case you have multiple build jobs and you specify the PERSIST_IMAGE_NAME variable per build job, you need to specify the exact name of the image to be used in the image field of the test job.

A CI YAML file would look in the simplest case like this:

  - remote: ''

  - build_base
  - build
  - test

build base:
  extends: .container-builder-cscs-zen2
  stage: build_base
    DOCKERFILE: ci/docker/Dockerfile.base
    PERSIST_IMAGE_NAME: $CSCS_REGISTRY_PATH/base/my_base_container:1.0
    CSCS_REBUILD_POLICY: if-not-exists # default anyway, only here for verbosity

build software:
  extends: .container-builder-cscs-zen2
  stage: build
    DOCKERFILE: ci/docker/Dockerfile
    DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS: '["BASE_IMG=$CSCS_REGISTRY_PATH/base/my_base_container:1.0"]'

test software single node:
  extends: .container-runner-daint-gpu
  image: $CSCS_REGISTRY_PATH/software/my_software:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA
    - ./
    - ./

test software multi:
  extends: .container-runner-daint-gpu
  image: $CSCS_REGISTRY_PATH/software/my_software:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA
    - ./
    - ./


RUN spack-install-helper daint-gpu \
    petsc \


RUN mkdir /build && cd /build && cmake /sourcecode && make -j$NUM_PROCS

A setup like this would run the very first time and build the container image $CSCS_REGISTRY_PATH/base/my_base_container:1.0, followed by the job that builds the container image $CSCS_REGISTRY_PATH/software/my_software:1.0. The next time CI is triggered the .container-builder-cscs-zen2 would check the remote repository if the target tag (PERSIST_IMAGE_NAME) exists, and only build a new container image if it does not exist yet. Since the tag for the job build base is static, i.e. it is the same for every run of CI, it would build the first time it is running, but not for subsequent runs. In contrast to this is the job build software: Here the tag changes with every CI run, since the variable CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA is different for every run.

Manual dependency update

At some point you realise that you have to update some of the dependencies. You can use a manual update process to update your base-container, where you ensure that you update all necessary image tags. In our example, this means updating in ci/cscs.yml all occurences of $CSCS_REGISTRY_PATH/base/my_base_container:1.0 to $CSCS_REGISTRY_PATH/base/my_base_container:2.0 (or any other versioning scheme - for all that matters is that the full name must change). Of course something in Dockerfile.base should change too, otherwise you are building the same artifact, with just a different name.

Dynamic dependency update

While manually updating image tags works fine, it has the drawback that it is error-prone. Take for example the situation where you update the tag in build base, but forget to change it in build software. Your pipeline would still run fine, because the dependency of build software exists. Since there is no explicit error for the inconsistencies it is hard to find the error.

Therefore, there is also the possibility to have a dynamic way of naming your container images. The idea is the same, i.e. we build first a base-container, and use this base-container to build our software-container.

The build base and build software jobs would look similar to this:

build base:
  extends: .container-builder-cscs-zen2
  stage: build_base
    - DOCKER_TAG=`cat ci/docker/Dockerfile.base | sha256sum - | head -c 16`
    - echo "BASE_IMAGE=$PERSIST_IMAGE_NAME" > build.env
      dotenv: build.env
    DOCKERFILE: ci/docker/Dockerfile.base # overwrite with the real path of the Dockerfile

build software:
  extends: .container-builder-cscs-zen2
  stage: build
    DOCKERFILE: ci/docker/Dockerfile

Let us walk through the changes in the build base job:

  • DOCKER_TAG is computed at runtime by the sha256sum of the Dockerfile.base, i.e. it would change, when you change the content of Dockerfile.base (we keep only the first 16 characters, this is random enough to guarantee that we have a unique name).
  • We export PERSIST_IMAGE_NAME to the dynamic name with DOCKER_TAG.
  • We write the dynamic name to the file build.env
  • We tell the CI system to keep the build.env as an artifact (see here the documentation of this)

Note: The dotenv artifacts of a specific job for public projects is available at<project_id>/<pipeline_id>/-/jobs/<job_id>/artifacts/download?file_type=dotenv.

Now let us look at the changes in the build software job:

  • DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS is now using $BASE_IMAGE. This variable exists, because we transferred the information via a dotenv artifact from build base to this job.

In this example the names BASE_IMG and BASE_IMAGE are chosen to be different, for clarification where the different variables are set and used. Feel free to use the same names for consistent naming. The default behaviour is to import all artifacts from all previous jobs. If you want only specific artifacts in your job, you should have a look at dependencies.

There is also a building block in the templates, name .dynamic-image-name, which you can use to get rid for most of the boilerplate. It is important to note that this building block will export the dynamic name under the hardcoded name BASE_IMAGE in the dotenv file. The jobs would look something like this:

build base:
  extends: [.container-builder-cscs-zen2, .dynamic-image-name]
  stage: build_base
    DOCKERFILE: ci/docker/Dockerfile.base
    WATCH_FILECHANGES: 'ci/docker/Dockerfile.base'

build software:
  extends: .container-builder-cscs-zen2
  stage: build
    DOCKERFILE: ci/docker/Dockerfile

build base is using additionally the building block .dynamic-image-name-, while build software is unchanged. Have a look at the definition of the block .dynamic-image-name in the file .ci-ext.yml for further documentation.


See for working examples these two yaml files (and check the respective Dockerfiles mentioned in the build jobs)