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For the Alps infrastructure, FirecREST clients that were created using the OIDC Client Management Dashboard now must be created or exported using the CSCS Developer Portal

The Developer Portal is an application based on WSO2 API Manager that facilitates CSCS Users to manage subscriptions to an API at CSCS (such as FirecREST).

Step-by-step guide

  1. Type in a browser:

  2. Click on the right upper corner Sign-In:


    If you are not logged at CSCS, you will be redirected to the CSCS Log-In page.

  3. Once logged in, you should be able to see the API list available for your user

  4. Click on Applications (as shown in the image above) to manage your Applications.
    To Subscribe to an API you need to have at least one Application (you can even use the DefaultApplication).
    If you wish to Create a New Application, click on the red button "Add New Application" as shown in the figure below.
    If you wish to use the DefaultApplication, jump to step 6.

  5. Complete the mandatory fields (the ones with * symbol) giving the application a unique name and selecting the number of requests per minute for that Application. Then click on the "Save" button:


    The quota selected for the Application will be shared with all its subscriptions to any API

  6. Once the Application is created, create the Production Keys (Client ID and Client Secret) by clicking on "Production Keys" 

  7. At this point, you can choose 2 options: 
    1. Provide existing OAuth Keys, or
    2. Generate a new set of OAuth Keys

      Option a. can be used If you have already used FirecREST before. 
      You can click on the "Provide Existing OAuth Keys" button, provide the Consumer Key (Client ID) and Consumer Secret (Client Secret), and click on the "Provide" button to confirm:

      Option b. must be used if you don't have a FirecREST Application created with the OIDC Client Management tool or if you wish to create new keys, then click on the "Generate Keys" button, located at the bottom of the page:

      Once the keys are generated, you will see the pair "Consumer Key" and "Consumer Secret":


      Store this pair of credentials securely, these are the access keys to your resources at CSCS

  8. Once you have set up your Application, is time to subscribe it to an API.
    To do so, click on the "Subscriptions" option on the left panel (8.a), then on the (plus) Subscribe APIS button (8.b), and finally, choose the API you want to subscribe to by clicking the "Subscribe" button (8.c):


    At the moment the only Subscription Plan for FirecREST APIs is the Standard (max of 5 requests per second)

  9. Back on the Subscription Management page, you can review your active subscriptions and APIs that your Application has access to

To use your Application to access FirecREST, follow this documentation.

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