Users can change their password on the Account and Resources Management Tool.
You can find a detailed description of the tool on the dedicated page the CSCS User Portal.
You can also change your current password on the front-end system Ela (
) using either the command kpasswd
or passwd
: the new password will be valid to access the front-end and the computing systems as well, since it will be propagated by the Kerberos network authentication protocol.
Step-by-step guide
You will be prompted to insert your current password first, then you will need to enter the new password twice, as in the example below:
Change password on the front-end systemela1:~$ kpasswd Password for <username>@CSCS.CH: Enter new password: Enter it again:
If you insert a wrong password when prompted for your current one, you will get one of the errors below, depending on the command that you have used:
Current password incorrectkpasswd: Password incorrect while getting initial ticket Password change failed. Server message: Old password not accepted. passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
Some restrictions apply on the string that you can choose as password. The password change will be rejected if your new password is shorter than expected:
New password too shortPassword change rejected: New password is too short. Please choose a password which is at least 12 characters long.
In addition, a password must contain different character classes:
New password too simplePassword change rejected: New password does not have enough character classes. The character classes are: - lower-case letters, - upper-case letters, - digits, - punctuation, and - all other characters (e.g., control characters). Please choose a password with at least 4 character classes.
Finally, you cannot choose a password that you have been using recently:
New password already usedPassword change rejected: New password was used previously. Please choose a different password.