
You have looked for linear algebra libraries BLAS and ScaLAPACK among the modules provided by the Cray Programming Environment without success.


BLAS and ScaLAPACK functions are provided by the cray-libsci module, that is loaded by default on Cray systems.

The following commands will give you some information on the module cray-libsci :

module show cray-libsci

module help cray-libsci

Please note that the Cray wrappers will automatically adjust the include and library path when cray-libsci  is loaded.

If you use the flag -craype-verbose when compiling with the wrapper, you will see a verbose list of all the include and library paths called by the compiler driver:

Wrapper option -craype-verbose
	Print the command which is forwarded to compiler invocation
Please visit the section Code Compilation of the User Portal for more information.