CSCS supports different file systems, whose specifications are summarized in the table below:

scratch (Alps)scratch (Clusters)/users/capstor/store/project/store
QuotaSoft (150 TB and 1M files)None50GB/user and 500k filesDefined on a per-project basisMaximum 50k files/TBMaximum 50k files/TB
Expiration30 days30 daysAccount closureEnd of the project/contractEnd of the projectEnd of the contract
Data BackupNoneNone90 days90 days90 days90 days
Access SpeedFastFastSlowFastMediumSlow
Capacity91 PB1.9 PB160 TB91 PB6.0 PB7.6 PB

To check your usage, please type the command quota on the front end Ela and the User Access Nodes (UANs) of EigerDaint.Alps and Santis.

Please build big software projects not fitting $HOME on $PROJECT instead. Since you should not run jobs from $HOME or $PROJECT, please copy the executables, libraries and data sets needed to run your simulations to $SCRATCH with the Slurm transfer queue.

Users can also write temporary builds on /dev/shm, a filesystem using virtual memory rather than a persistent storage device: please note that files older than 24 hours will be deleted automatically.