We currently offer two ways to upload/download data from/to CSCS:
- The CSCS globus online endpoint (recommended)
- The globus-url-copy command line tool (deprecated)
Globus Online Endpoint (recommended)
The recommended way to transfer data externally occurs via the CSCS globus-online endpoint (www.globus.org). Please follow the official get started documentation to login (in case you don't have an organisation account, you can just use the option "Sign in with Google"):
Step 2 and 3
- Use the file manager to search for an endpoint typing "CSCS"
- Please make sure that the login page belongs to the
domain (shown in the URL) - The CSCS endpoint requires authentication, therefore use your CSCS credentials to log in
Step 4
- if you want to transfer the data to another endpoint, just search for it and transfer the data
- if you want to download the data to your local system, you will need the Globus Connect Personal client: the client will turn your local system into an endpoint, so you will be able to select it and transfer the data
- download the client from the link provided above and follow the instructions
For more information about Globus Connect Personal, please read the official Frequently Asked Questions.
Currently globus provide the following mount points:
/store # old Daint store area /project # old Daint project area /users # old Daint home directory /scratch/shared # old Scratch-Shared area ( old meteoswiss clusters ) /iopsstor/scratch/cscs # Mounted on Clariden /capstor/scratch/cscs # New Alps Daint scratch area /capstor/store/cscs # New Alps Daint store area /capstor/users/cscs # Home directory for Bristen/Scopi/Errigal /vast/users/cscs # New Alps vclustewrs home directory ( Alps Daint and others )
If none of the above solves your issue, please contact us with a request for support.