The computing system Alps features the production partition Eiger, accessible via ssh from the front end
. The software environment on the system is controlled using the Lmod framework, which provides a flexible mechanism to access compilers, tools and applications.
first, then they will be able to load the modules available in the default Cray programming environment. Therefore users are invited to add the command module load cray
to their scripts and workflowsGetting Started
Supported applications and libraries are built using the EasyBuild toolchains cpeAMD
, cpeCray
, cpeGNU
and cpeIntel
, which load compilers and libraries of the modules PrgEnv-aocc
, PrgEnv-cray
, PrgEnv-gnu
and PrgEnv-intel
respectively. The toolchain modules are immediately available to be loaded upon login on the system: only after loading the selected toolchain, you will be able to list with module avail
and load with module load
additional applications and libraries built with the currently loaded toolchain. Alps users can find more information on the Alps (Eiger) User Guide.
Parallel programs compiled with Cray-MPICH (the MPI library available on this system) must be run on the compute nodes using the Slurm srun
command: running applications on the login nodes is not allowed, as they are a shared resource. Slurm batch scripts should be submitted with the sbatch
command from the $SCRATCH
folder: users are NOT supposed to run jobs from different filesystems, because of the low performance.
A simple Slurm job submission script would look like the following:
#!/bin/bash -l #SBATCH --job-name=template #SBATCH --time=01:00:00 #SBATCH --nodes=6 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8 #SBATCH --account=<project> #SBATCH --constraint=mc export FI_CXI_RX_MATCH_MODE=hybrid export OMP_NUM_THREADS=${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} export OMP_PLACES=cores export OMP_PROC_BIND=close export OMP_STACKSIZE=8M export SRUN_CPUS_PER_TASK=${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} srun --cpu-bind=verbose,cores <executable>
The flag -l
at the beginning allows you to call the module command within the script. The srun
option --cpu-bind
binds MPI tasks to CPUs: in the template above, the keyword cores
will bind tasks to cores (note that if the number of tasks differs from the number of allocated cores, this can result in sub-optimal binding). We have also enabled the verbose mode with the keyword verbose
, that will report in the Slurm output the selected CPU binding for all commands executed in the script. You can also set the SLURM_CPU_BIND
environment variable value to verbose
to select verbose output. Please use alternatively the srun
option --hint=nomultithread
to avoid extra threads with in-core multi-threading, a configuration that can benefit communication intensive applications: in this case, please remove --cpu-bind
, see man srun
for details. Please note as well:
- some applications might fail at runtime reporting an error related to
. In this case, please addexport FI_CXI_RX_MATCH_MODE=hybrid
as in the template above orexport FI_CXI_RX_MATCH_MODE=software
in your Slurm batch script. Other environment variables might be fine tuned, for instanceFI_CXI_RDZV_THRESHOLD
- the default
is small for the GNU compiler, therefore you may get a segmentation fault with multithreaded simulations: in this case, try to increase it as in the template above. The actual value ofOMP_STACKSIZE
at runtime will be limited by the free memory on the node, therefore you might get an error likelibgomp: Thread creation failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
if you request more memory than currently available The number of cpus per task specified for salloc or sbatch is not automatically inherited by srun and, if desired, must be requested again, either by specifying
when calling srun, or by setting theSRUN_CPUS_PER_TASK
environment variable
Please be reminded to include the active project that you would like this job to be charged for allocation. This can be done with the Slurm option #SBATCH --account=<project>
in the submission script or as a flag with the srun
command, i.e. --account=<project>
or -A <project>
, where the string <project>
is the ID of the active project. You also need to specify the Slurm constraint #SBATCH --constraint=mc
in the batch script or as a srun
option ( --constraint=mc
or -C mc
Slurm supports the --mem
option to specify the real memory required per node. For applications requiring more than 256 GB of memory per node, users should add the Slurm directive #SBATCH --mem=260G
in their jobscript. See the sbatch
man page for more details
Slurm batch queues
Name of the queue | Max time | Max nodes | Brief Description |
debug | 30 min | 10 | Quick turnaround for test jobs (one per user) |
normal | 24 h | 480 | Standard queue for production work |
prepost | 30 min | 1 | High priority pre/post processing |
low | 24 hours | 124 | Low priority queue |
xfer | 24h | 1 | Internal transfer queue |
The list of queues and partitions is available typing sinfo
or scontrol show partition
. Note that not all groups are enabled on every partition, please check the AllowGroups
entry of the command scontrol show partition
. You can choose the queue where to run your job by issuing the Slurm directive --partition
in your batch script: #SBATCH --partition=<partition_name>
sinfo -l
provides a summary of the Slurm batch queues that is easy to visualize. Please check the other options of the command with sinfo --help
.Please check the Slurm man pages and the official documentation for further details on the scheduler. You will also find useful information in the corresponding section of the FAQ.
Interactive Computing with Jupyter Notebooks
You can access computing resources via your browser through a user interface based on Jupyter. This service is available at Further information is available on the Alps User Guide.
File Systems
The user scratch space /capstor/scratch/cscs/$USER
available on the system can be reached with the environment variable $SCRATCH
. File systems access type (read, write, None) from compute, login and xfer
nodes is summarized below:
scratch | /users | /capstor/store | /project | /store | |
Compute nodes | r+w | r+w | r | r | r |
Login nodes | r+w | r+w | r+w | r+w | r+w |
xfer | r+w | r+w | r+w | r | r |
Please carefully read the general information on file systems at CSCS, especially with respect to the soft quota and the cleaning policy enforced on scratch.
Accounting data
The sacct command displays accounting data for jobs stored in the Slurm job accounting database. For example, sacct -j will display information about the specified jobid:
# sacct -j 33306 JobID JobName Partition Account AllocCPUS State ExitCode ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- 33306 0.slm normal 288 COMPLETED 0:0 33306.batch batch 288 COMPLETED 0:0 33306.extern extern 288 COMPLETED 0:0 33306.0 myexe 288 COMPLETED 0:0 33306.1 myexe 288 COMPLETED 0:0 # sacct -V slurm 23.02.6
The format of the sacct command can be formatted with the --format flag and/or SLURM_TIME_FORMAT variable (man sacct), for example:
# SLURM_TIME_FORMAT=%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S sacct \ --format=jobid,jobname%15,start,end,ConsumedEnergy,Elapsed -j 33306 JobID JobName Start End ConsumedEnergy Elapsed ------------ --------------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------- ---------- 33306 0.slm 2024/03/14-13:21:27 2024/03/14-13:23:39 86730 00:02:12 33306.batch batch 2024/03/14-13:21:27 2024/03/14-13:23:39 86664 00:02:12 33306.extern extern 2024/03/14-13:21:27 2024/03/14-13:23:39 86730 00:02:12 33306.0 myexe 2024/03/14-13:21:37 2024/03/14-13:22:38 39606 00:01:01 33306.1 myexe 2024/03/14-13:22:38 2024/03/14-13:23:38 39538 00:01:00
As described in the Slurm documentation, the <jobid>.batch step accounts for the resources needed by the jobscript before/after executing the srun commands, together with the resources used by the srun commands. The <jobid>.extern step accounts for the resources used by that job outside of slurm. Finally, this job called srun twice as can be seen in the job steps <jobid>.0 and <jobid>.1.